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Families with surname BRANDT CORSTIUS

1F25532I69250Brandt Corstius, HugoHUGO ‏(Name unknown)‏@P.N.    2U
2F20823I69255Brandt Corstius, Johannes ChristiaanJOHANNES CHRISTIAAN45I69256Krol, Johanna Pieternella MariaJOHANNA PIETERNELLA MARIA201211YESY
3F20821I69251Brandt Corstius, Johannes Christiaan "Jan"JOHANNES CHRISTIAAN22I69252Molenaar, Wilhelmina WytskeWILHELMINA WYTSKE20931YESY
4F20825I69257Brandt Corstius, MelciorMELCIOR27I69261Fortuijn, Elisabeth Maria CorneliaELISABETH MARIA CORNELIA231640YESY
5F20824I69257Brandt Corstius, MelciorMELCIOR37I69258Wijnmalen, Jacomina LouisaJACOMINA LOUISA311541YESY
Given Names

Total families : 5
HUSB:GIVN Given Names