Family Book Chart
Digna Cornelissen Jacobs Timmermans

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Family of Digna Cornelissen Jacobs Timmermans

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Huberta Nobel ‎(I37711)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk
Death 13 May 1705 ‏(Age 43)‏
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Petrus Nobel ‎(I61895)‎
Christening 7 September 1664 -- Raamsdonk
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Cornelis "Jansse" Nobel ‎(I61896)‎
Christening 25 August 1667 -- Raamsdonk
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Maria Nobel ‎(I61897)‎
Christening 20 July 1670 -- Raamsdonk
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Adrianus Nobel ‎(I61898)‎
Christening 30 November 1672 -- Raamsdonk
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Anna Nobel ‎(I61899)‎
Christening 19 February 1676 -- Raamsdonk

Family of Huberta Nobel

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Cornelis Heere ‎(I37713)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk
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Huberta Nobel ‎(I37711)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk
Death 13 May 1705 ‏(Age 43)‏
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Joannis Nobel ‎(I37913)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk

Family of Cornelis Heere

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Johanna Heer ‎(I61894)‎
Christening 14 January 1700 -- Waspik
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Dimphna Heere ‎(I37715)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk
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Hubertus Heere ‎(I37716)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk
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Teunis Heere ‎(I7011)‎
Christening 26 February 1716 -- Waspik
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Antonius Heere ‎(I37717)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk
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Cornelis Heere ‎(I37713)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk
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Peeter Heere ‎(I37710)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk
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Huberta Nobel ‎(I37711)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk
Death 13 May 1705 ‏(Age 43)‏

Family of Teunis Heere

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Teunis Heere ‎(I7011)‎
Christening 26 February 1716 -- Waspik
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Cornelis Heere ‎(I37713)‎
Birth -- Raamsdonk