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  1. Antonius Maton
  2. Doris Maton
  3. Jacobus Maton 1807-    Marriage1839  Petronella van Crugten 1806-
    1. Hubertus Maton 1840-1887
    2. Willem Maton 1848-1922 (Age 74)    Marriage1874  Geertruida van den Dungen 1856-1898 (Age 41)
      1. Jacobus Maton 1874-1874 (Age 4 months)
      2. Jacobus Maton 1875-1933 (Age 58)    Marriage1897  Johanna de Jong 1876-1944 (Age 67)
        1. Petronella Maria Maton 1903-    Marriage1921  Marianus Cornelis Adrianus Baijens 1902-
          1. Cornelis Jacobus Maton
          2. Maria Anna Cornelia Maton
          3. Jacoba Johanna Maton
          4. Wilhelmina Antonia Maton 1918-1997 (Age 79)
        2. Cornelis Maton 1876-1935 (Age 58)    Marriage1901  Maria van Vugt 1881-
          1. Gerardus Maton
          2. Wilhelmina Petronella Maton
          3. Petronella Wilhelmina Maton
          4. Adrianus Maton
          5. Maria Maton
        3. Thomas Maton 1878-
        4. Petronella Maton 1879-1953 (Age 74)    Marriage1899  Petrus Fijneman 1873-1954 (Age 80)
        5. Jacoba Maton 1880-1938 (Age 57)    Marriage1906  David Hendrikx 1875-1942 (Age 66)
        6. Thomas Maton 1883-1883 (Age 4 months)
        7. Thomas Maton 1885-    Marriage1909  Huiberdina Vissers 1883-
          1. Geertuida Hendrika Maton
          2. Johannes Wilhelmus Maton
          3. Wilhelmus Johannes Maton
        8. Hubertus Maton 1886-1968 (Age 81)
        9. Wilhelmus Maton 1888-1888 (Age 6 months)
        10. Wilhelmus Hendricus Maton 1889-    Marriage1913  Antonia van Tilborg 1893-
          1. Antonia Geertruida Maton
          2. Geertruida Maton 1916-1996 (Age 80)    Marriage  Marinus Gorisse
            1. Willem Maton
            2. Johannes Maton
            3. Jacoba Johanna Maton
            4. Maria Johanna Maton
            5. Hendrikus Wilhelmus Maton
            6. Cornelis Petrus Maton
          3. Johanna Geertruida Maton 1891-    Marriage1918  Reindert Gijsbertus Carnas 1888-
            1. Adrianus Marinus Maton 1893-1893 (Age 5 months)
            2. ‏(Given name unknown)‏ Maton 1896-1896 (Age 0 days)
            3. ‏(Given name unknown)‏ Maton 1898-1898 (Age 0 days)
            Willem Maton 1848-1922 (Age 74)    Marriage1900  Maria Antonia Marcelissen 1864-1941 (Age 76)
            1. Gerardus Maton 1902-
            2. Antonius Maton 1903-    Marriage  Petronella Stoop
          4. Maria Wilhelmina Maton
          5. Paulus Maton
          6. Thomas Maton
          7. Wilhelmus Hubertus Maton
          8. Wilhemina Maton
          9. Wilhemina Antonia Maton