Timeline Chart

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This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

Female  Johanna Lamberta Petronella Koopmans

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Terry van Erp

Male  Levenloos Koopmans

Johanna Lamberta Petronella Koopmans - Birth -- 4 June 1927 28 26 Maastricht
Johanna Lamberta Petronella Koopmans - Death -- about 1929 ‏(Age 18 months)‏ Rotterdam
Levenloos Koopmans - Birth -- 11 October 1932 33 31 Rotterdam
Levenloos Koopmans - Death -- 11 October 1932 Rotterdam